After I (kindly, unexpectedly, sweetly!) was gifted a Macbook, Google and I have become the best of friends...

Emily Harrington is such a freakin' boss. Best 17 minutes you'll spend today, promise.

If I had that mental game...

Oh Houston, you do not joke around when it comes to weather and good breakfast foods. Had the chance to spend 24 short, short hours in Space City (seriously-- 3 Uber drivers told us to visit the Space Center but alas, timing!) and it was pretty momentous. And I don't throw the word 'momentous' around too often (actually every time I willingly decide a salad is a good food choice - so, rarely).

(I'm seriously hooked on this Ed Sheeran song, no joke)

I suppose I should start off with an introduction but I took forever writing my "about me" so we'll just leave that out there. I'm excited to blog again because too many of my photos are chillin' in my google drive and not seeing the internet light of day! GET READY INTERNET - IT'S READIN' TIME.