(I'm seriously hooked on this Ed Sheeran song, no joke)
I suppose I should start off with an introduction but I took forever writing my "about me" so we'll just leave that out there. I'm excited to blog again because too many of my photos are chillin' in my google drive and not seeing the internet light of day! GET READY INTERNET - IT'S READIN' TIME.
Kidding- but really, this has been on my 'to-do' list for far too long. This year seems like the year of doing things (ha! #byejob) so here we go! (!!)
After all...Wayne Gretzky's words ring true - (yes, had to Google his name) -- "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." Here's to taking those shots!*
*not the alcoholic ones because my body really can't with those
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